Members of "The Coven of the Illuminated Shadow"

Katrinka: Aquarius-

Katrinka came to us fresh from the south, our sweet southern bell. She enjoys divination and has an affinity with the Goddesses Bridget and Bast. Katrinka is very crafty with oils, bath salts and herbs. She is now a professional estitian!

Priestess: Aquarius- I am Rev. Korinne the High Priestess of the Coven. I have been on my Wiccan path and active in the local community since 1989. I am a Reiki Master/Teacher, Buddhist initiate, Priestess of Isis, professional psychic, web mistress and spiritual occultist. I seek to teach others how to connect with their divine selves, and the Gods. I am well versed in Wicca, spellcraft, all forms of divination, various Mythos, and psychology. My favorite author is Dion Fortune. If you have any questions you think I could help you with, or just want to chat e-mail me.

Rhiannon: Aries-

She has an affinity with Isis and Egyptian deities, as well as some celtic. A very green thumb and a good cook :). She loves doing magick, making inscence and healing.



Jeff: Taurus- Jeff has been with us since he was a baby witch. He has interests in Stregha, Venus and Hern. He posesses great artistic and creative abilites. Charles: Aquarius- Charles has been studying Ceremonial Magick and the Golden Dawn as well as comparative religion for 4 years. At the present time he is a Reiki III practitioner, has affinities with both Aliester Crowley, and Egyptian Magick.

Angela: Honerary member who joins us quite often! Her fresh ideas and enthusiasm push us all forward.



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